Mike Shadow : I Paid For It!


Capek Banget Nyari Game2 Berat.. Toh makan hardsik juga.. Mending Game Begini.. Gak Berat gk makan hardisk dan bisa mengisi waktu luang ^^ Langsung ajaa Cekidot :

Mike Shadow : I Paid For It!
Description : Mike Shadow: I paid for it! ***WARNING*** Very adictive!! You will spend a million hours playing! The most epic combat ever. Fight for what is yours and unleash your wrath! When THAT vending machine fooled Mike Shadow it was the begining of the Apocalypse! Hit the vending machine to be the strongest machine destroyer in the world! Collect money, upgrade your skills, use weapons, magic, cheerleaders and much more. Features: - Over 120 upgrades! - Upgrade your base stats "Patience", "Stress", "Critical Chance" and "Money Chance" with 10 levels for each. - Normal attacks include weapons, magic, natural disasters and much more! - Bonuses to increase your strength and other stats! - Special attacks with **too much** devastating power! - Premium features only for main sponsor offer the most incredible and powerfull skills. - Complete scores & stats system - 15 achievements - Highscores

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Setelah itu Pilih File Mike Shadow di tempat kalian menyimpannya. Biasanya di file download >C:\User\(nama komputer kamu)\Download

Dan Open File nya.

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